Policy Support for Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritages in the Seoul Capital Area

The Seoul National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage also provides policy support for the systematic preservation and management of cultural heritages in the Seoul Capital Area. In order to appraise the value of buried cultural heritages and incorporate them into a stable preservation and management system, the Institute takes various measures, such as the preservation and management of state cultural heritages, the repair and preservation of excavated cultural heritages, the appraisal and evaluation of discovered, buried cultural heritages, the monitoring of cultural heritages being repaired and preserved along with review meetings with excavation and survey experts, and the monitoring of the preservation and management status of dolmens that have been designated as UNESCO world heritage sites. The Institute also provides academic support for the cultural heritage of the Kingdom of Goryeo and the Ganghwa seacoast defense system built during the Joseon Dynasty in an effort to further enhance the historical value of these cultural heritage and boost the utilization of their cultural heritage status in the region.

On-Site survey of ancient Goryeo Dynasty tombs
Appraisal of excavated cultural heritages
On-site survey of an area where historical relics have been unearthed
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