The NRICH favors the world's cultural heritage and is conducting an expert strengthening program that favors strengthening the combat power of experts.
On-site Technical Training Program(OTTP) contributes to the improvement of regional capacity for the conservation and management of valuable cultural heritage. The program intends to tackle specific regional problems in conservation by providing essential knowledge and useful technical skills for local conservators who directly involved in the maintenance and conservation of sites. The program aims to establish collaborative platform for the exchange of knowledge and techniques and includes lectures and hands-on practice according to what target countries ask for. Target participants are conservators, archaeologists and any professionals who directly involved in the care of archaeological objects. The NRICH has contributed to building capacity of conservation treatment for cultural heritage in Mongolia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistn, Indonesia, aiming at fostering the joint growth and establishing the collaborative platform for the exchange of knowledge and techniques.
On-site Technical Training Program contributes to the improvement of regional capacity for the conservation and management of valuable heritage. The program intends to tackle specific regional problem in conservation by providing essential knowledge and useful technical skills for local conservators who directly involved in the maintenance and conservation of sites. The program aims to establish collaborative platform for the exchange of knowledge and techniques. OTTP includes lectures and hands-on practice according to what target countries ask for. Full structures and contents will be flexibly discussed with time for a better understanding of both and proceeded systematically to come up to expectations from target countries. Dates and places for the program are also scheduled by requests. Number of participants is decided considering limited space and time to manage the training in the most effective way. Target participants are conservators, archaeologists and any professionals who directly involved in the care of archaeological objects. Training team composed of highly experienced conservators will be dispatched with own expenses. Selected experts from NRICH will assist the participants to efficiently establish basic knowledge on why, what to and how to conserve at theoretical and practical context. At the end of the program participants are expected to attain knowledge on conservation and apply to their daily practice of work.
Samarkand State Museum-Reserve, Uzbekistan, 2023
National Museum of Indonesia, Indonesia, 2023